
Antti Kupiainen
Antti Kupiainen, University of Helsinki

Integrability of Liouville Conformal Field Theory

A. Polyakov introduced Liouville Conformal Field theory (LCFT) in 1981 as a way to put a natural measure on the set of Riemannian metrics over a two dimensional manifold. Ever since, the work of Polyakov has echoed in various branches of physics and mathematics, ranging from string theory to probability theory and geometry.

In the context of 2D quantum gravity models, Polyakov’s approach is conjecturally equivalent to the scaling limit of Random Planar Maps and through the Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikava correspondence LCFT is conjecturally related to certain 4D Yang-Mills theories. Through the work of Dorn, Otto, Zamolodchikov and Zamolodchikov and Teschner LCFT is believed to be to a certain extent integrable.

I will review a probabilistic construction of LCFT developed together with David, Rhodes and Vargas and recent proofs of the integrability of LCFT:

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Projecto FCT UIDB/04459/2020.