– Europe/Lisbon
Room 6.2.33, Faculty of Sciences of the Universidade de Lisboa — Online

Maciej Borodzik, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Equivariant Khovanov homotopy type
Given a periodic link L, we construct a group action on the Khovanov homotopy type defined by Lipshitz and Sarkar. As a result, we prove that the annular Khovanov homology of the quotient link has no larger rank than the Khovanov homology of the periodic link. This is a joint work with Wojciech Politarczyk and Marithania Silvero.
Please, note the non-standard venue for the in-person seminar: Faculty of Sciences, C6 Building, Room 6.2.33.
This will be a joint session with the Geometry & Physics Seminar.